New Web Site Feature: You
can now hear our 147.000 MHz repeater, almost live.
Click here to hear what's going on
All hams are welcome to the meetings which are held on the second Monday of the month
at 19:30. The meetings are now held at the brand new Miami-Dade EOC and Fire
Department HQ at 9400 NW 41 St. See a map here.
If you can't make it to a meeting, all SFFMA meetings are transmitted live on
the 146.76 Repeater.
I realize that only a very few people in any club get to actually work on the club
owned equipment. I want everyone to see where their dues go. This is the hardware we use every day on the air. To the
SFFMA members, thanks for supporting this club and therefore this equipment and our work.
This link will take you to a page full of pictures from the SFFMA's
147.000 Repeater site on the WTVJ, NBC6 Tower near Homestead Florida.
The South Florida FM Association operates the following repeaters in Miami:
KD4BBM U of Miami
146.760 KD4BBM
U of Miami Site
147.000 KU4GY
Channel 6 Tower
224.200 KE4MCL
U of Miami Site
444.200 KA4HLO
FPL Tower SW 72 Ave and Bird Road
1291.80 KD4BBM
U of Miami Site