Jan 2003
Home Up



WEB SITE http:/www.sffma.net

Meeting called to order at 19:45 with 37 present

Repeater update
146.760 is working well lately. The Hamboree transmitter is up as well from the same site. Both will work together this year.

Robert says 220 works and he's still talking to himself

Holiday Dinner
One of the best amateur dinners in South Florida History A lot of people said they would come and didn't and so food was paid for those people so a lot of money was lost 

Photos are available on the SFFMA website under Meetings

Collections for 147.000 cabinet are being taken over the next few months Julio's company donated $300. Thank you, Julio! This take us to just under $700 in the fund. Please help if you can, because we need about $3000. We need a 23"x23"x54" cabinet. It can be a little taller. It needs a door in the front and back access as well.

Someone at the Everglades club may be able to get us a cabinet. We'll keep you posted.

Hamboree is next month We are going to attempt hourly updates of photos of the event on the website We still need volunteers. If you want to volunteer, contact Jason Swift. If you are a volunteer, see Jason for your credentials and assignments.

Tell people about this event Testing will take place on Saturday, starting at 9 a.m.. If you are a VE, they need your help. To get a swap table, e-mail swaptables@bellsouth.net

DCAT camping trip
DCAT team went to an Everglades camp site about 45 minutes from civilization Using an I-COM handheld with a j-pole put together by Ernesto, they were able to make contact from 65 miles from the repeater at only 5 watts. 6  meter didn't work

Junior Orange Bowl Parade
It was a lot of fun and went very well Thank you to everyone who helped out They are going to attempt address the food ticket issue again for next year

147.000 distance
Want to know how far away you are from the 147.000? Go to http://www.sffma.net/distance147000.asp and enter your zip code. Find out how far away you are and then use the line of site calculator to see how high your antenna has to be

147.000 archive
Hear the conversations for the last 2 days at http://www.sffma.net/147000listentop.htm. It saves mp3 files of activity on the 147.000 on the correct PL. The hard drive being used can only store about a day and a half. Check it out and see how you are hitting the repeater

Red Cross list of classes are available online.
Check out the list and let your SFFMA officers know which classes you are interested in. We can get a
group together to have the course taught to us at the EOC. Register online for course at miamiredcross.org.

There will be an incredible number of participants this year. We will need volunteers for April 26 and 27. Contact Ernesto if you are interested in helping out. If you worked last year, it is assumed you will be in your same post.

March of Dimes
We need volunteers for April 5. Contact Randy or Wendy if you are interested in helping out. 

Dues are due. It is $30. For family membership, add $5 per family member. The dues help to pay for the club insurance and events. We also need to get an official roster so we can change the autopatch
codes and limit the SFFMA mailing list.

Certificates and pins were sent to those who helped out the Red Cross in New York on September 11. Roger, Robert, Ronnie, Jeff, and William; Thank you again for your help in the time of need.

CERT advisory board meeting is Thursday, January 16 at 7 p.m. at the EOC. They will be electing new officers and voting in a new structure for the advisory board. Brendan and JoAnne are running for office.

There will be a rocket launch on January 26 in Florida City. If you want to go, please contact kg4tez@arrl.net. No one under 13 will be allowed. If you  do not contact Jeff beforehand, you will be
turned away.

After a unanimous ballot was cast, your new officers are as follows: 

President: Ronnie KG4DBI
Vice President: Robert KE4MCL
Secretary: Joanne KG4GKU
Treasurer: James KF4OUI
Director: Sam KQ4MR

Shortening the top of the hour message on the 147.000 
It was decided to table the conversation until the next meeting when the trustee could be there.

Robert brought a 1.2 gig color surveillance camera with transmitter and receiver that he purchased for $45 It takes a 9 volt battery Picture is good for about 200 feet. He just got it and will keep us updated on the video quality 

Ernesto brought in the Tiny Trac 3 for APRS. It has a new board with RF suppression. It has a power-save mode, MIC encoding, ability to program smart beaconing, and corner pegging. It costs
about $32

Meeting closed at 21:30

It has been a pleasure serving as your secretary over the last year. Thank you for making it such a great experience for me.

Wendy Dibean

On behalf of the membership of the SFFMA, Thanks you WENDY and Jason for an excellent job. The SFFMA would appreciate your paying of the club dues. I also welcome james KF4OUI our new Treasurer. As of Jan 01, according to a change in the Bylaws, the month of January is when the new schedule takes effect. Our club year is now from January 01 thru December 31. The club has some heavy expenses that must be paid. When paying your dues, put in a little extra as a donation for the new cabinet. If you have any news of interest, please let me know. JOE AC4TV


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